Friday, October 24, 2008

Safe in the arms of a man...

Time for another blog, because I am tired of looking at my Prop 102 blog when I open it up.

What is it about men? Now I'm not talking about how they act, but when Jamie is home, at night, I feel safe. I can go to bed, even if he is in the other room, and not be freaked out by some strange noise I hear. But when he is gone, I become all anxious if I hear an unfamiliar sound, or a pack of havalinas squeeling, or the ac goes on and my door pulls shut from the pressure, or the palm tree fronds rub against the window, and my mind starts wandering about all the things that could happen at night to a woman alone in a house etc, etc, etc. When Jamie is home for some reason knowing he is in the house, makes me feel safe and comforted.
So, he was gone all week for business in Louisiana, and I usually don't mind him gone a few days, but this time, It was toooooo long. (I decided he can't go away for a whole week again, unless I am with him).
This trip, I think I was more nervous with him leaving because (and this is really dumb), we put up a "YES on Proposition 102" sign in our yard (for marriage between a man-woman). Some of our friends had their signs stolen, graffiti'd on and so forth, so I didn't know if someone was going to egg our house or torment us because of this sign. I had visions of someone torching our house because of this sign...stupid I know... It seems that this election year is bringing the crazies out by the dozens. Anyway, don't get me started on the election, it makes my blood boil!

So, when Jamie is out of town, I usually go to bed early, around 7:30-8:00 and put in a movie and relax. When I am dozing in and out of consciousness, I wake up enough to turn the TV off. I don't like to turn it off too early or much before 11 pm because then I usually don't fall asleep soon enough and I lay there and hear all sorts of sounds and creeks and it freaks me out. So this week, I haven't gotten a lot of sleep, but tonight I will, because he is home! Yeah!!

During my lonely nights this week, I did watch a cute movie. I bought "Baby Mama." I thought it would be silly and kinda dumb from the previews, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was cute, silly in parts, but well done. The problem though, was that the whole time I was watching Tina Fey, all I could see her as was Sarah Palin. They seriously must have been separated at birth!
I did enjoy the movie for what it was, an entertaining, cute movie that required no thinking whatsoever!

Thats all!


Robin said...

I feel exactly the same way when Art is out of town. I am glad I am not the only one.

Anonymous said...

That's why I ot my "killer-attack" Shih Tzu, Layla...she is about as protective as my comforter! But she keeps me company...