While there I was able to see Doug and Lee and their kids too. That is one of the pluses of having 2 kids in the same vicinity....well one airport. Doug and Lee and their two kids Kevin and Andy joined me and Lana and Ike one day up at the Strausborg train in Lancaster area, which we rode to a childrens farm. It was so much fun. The kids had a blast! Here are some pics of that:
Ike was so funny at the trains, he did not like it when the train itself whistled, he wouldn't say anything, he just would cover his ears. Lee bought all the kids their own train whistle which was much calmer on the ears.
We also just had another addition to the family, Kristi and Jared had an adorable baby boy also. His name is "Reed Cameron Hamilton." He was born September 10th which is also his Grandpa's birthday ( Papa). So that was a nice treat. He was born after a long summer, of threatening to come at 30 weeks. Luckily Kristi was able to stay on bed rest until this little guy would be at a safe gestational age which was 36 weeks. But, I guess he finally decided that it was way too comfortable in his mothers womb and he was finally induced out at 39 weeks. He did kinda start on his own, but needed some encouraging. He was finally born and boy was Kristi and Jared glad. I think Jared was more relieved to have this baby here, than anyone. Here are a few pictures
Here is Kristi and Jared just moments before the birth. Kristi was going to try to have this baby natural... but, the pain was just too much and so she scrapped that idea! Smart woman!
Cameron was very alert as soon as he was born. It was fun, because he would just look around, checking things out.
The kids holding baby Cameron. Luc was all excited because he got to get out of school early to come to the hospital to see the baby.
That is all the babies right now, we are not expecting any other Grandkids at this time, but we suspect there will be a couple more coming in the next few years. So, we will enjoy those we have and look forward to more as they come.
CAROL! Over 7 years and you spelled my name with an E!?!
I just had to give you a hard time ;)
So, I actually stopped and thought about it... I have a friend here who spells it differently than you... it is just something that I have to stop and think about! Sorry about that! LindSAY, LindSAY, LindSAY.....I will get it right one of these days! My mom still spells Jamie's name wrong and it has been 32 years!!!!
That's pretty good for a summer! Aren't grandkids great!
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