Sunday, October 19, 2008

Prop 102-Marriage

For all you Arizonians, I encourage you all to vote YES on prop 102. This is a short statement to define marriage only between a man and a woman. This is a huge issue in California also. A few years back Californians voted in a law that defines marriage as a union only between man and woman. Unfortunately the California Supreme court recently overturned this law, thus all the gay marriages that have been flooding California recently. California is voting this election on a constitutional amendment to define marriage as only between man and woman. By making it an amendment, the supreme courts will not be able to overturn it. This is the same thing here in Arizona, a constitutional amendment not just a law. Florida is also voting on this same issue this election. So, keep us all in your prayers that this will be voted in. And if you live in California, Florida or Arizona, vote YES! It has dire consequences for families and churches if it is not passed. It protects the children, and the family unit. We must stand up for what is right, no matter what the world says.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'd vote for it if I could!
Thanks for taking a stand...Pres. benson said that people like to stand in the middle of the road to avoid controversy but end up getting hit by traffic going both ways!