Saturday, July 11, 2009

memorial weekend pics

On Memorial weekend, Kristi and Jared and the kids came and visited. While there we celebrated Sami's 4th birthday which was on Memorial day.
We went swimming and to the Phoenix Childrens Science museum.

Here is Luc and Sami on her 4th birthday. We are at the Phoenix Childrens Science museum.

Tyler showing us how good "minute maid" is~!

Sami jumping into Kristi's arms

Lucas "walking on water" after he jumped off the wall.

Tyler Jumping off the wall into Kristi's arms
Kristi and Tyler

Tyler, Luc , Grandma Carol (me) and Sami

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SERIOUSLY send that picture of Ty to Minute's the PERFECT ad:-)) Soooooooooooo cute!