Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Update on puppy...

Well, it has been 4 days since the dog trainer came, 5 actually, but whose counting. Anyway, I must say I do see some improvement. Cody is much quieter in his pen, and doesn't nip as much. Still does some, but not nearly what he was doing. I think we just got a really crazy dog, with tons of personality, and cute to boot. I know a lot of people have puppies that are perfect from day one. This must be one of our trials!! haha....

I spoke with the breeder and she says that Cody's mom has pups like this, but they will eventually calm down. He will be a lot of fun, once we get him under control. For now, I must stick with the plan (today is a new day) and realize he is a dog, a puppy, and doesn't know better yet, he has no clue when I talk to him, what I am saying, except he knows his name. I have to treat him like a dog, not a human.

I am not giving up, although I would like to at times. He is sleeping better at night, but is an early riser. Once he is potty trained, I can just let him get up and roam while I go back to sleep. Can't wait for that!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I have been so curious as to what the dog trainer has had you do. I picture it kind of like the nanny show. What are you doing? I am glad things are getting better.